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Opening up e-book access

From scholar-led initiatives to commercial publishing programmes, the topic of open-access e-books is emerging from the shadows. Siân Harris investigates

The need for semantics

Michael Clarke is executive vice president for product and market development at Silverchair Information Systems

Tool delves into journal experimental details

A Dublin-based startup has developed a way of extracting insight into laboratory instruments and materials from the experimental sections of journal articles. As Scrazzl launches its first products Sian Harris finds out more

Digital preservation matters

Vicky Reich, director of the LOCKSS programme at Stanford University Libraries, and Randy Kiefer, executive director of the CLOCKSS archive, explain why preserving digital content is a challenge that needs to be tackled, especially as this content becomes more dynamic

Unpacking books

E-books have matured but questions remain about digital rights, access models and what a scholarly e-book really means today. Interviews by Sian Harris

Physical sciences need 'collective conversation'

From astrophysics to nanoscience, a series of case studies casts an investigative lens over changing information practices in the physical sciences. Ellen Collins and Joe McEntee examine the key findings of the studies for publishers, librarians, funding agencies and scientists

Research resources move into the classroom

The boundaries between the primary sources used for research and the materials for teaching are being broken down. Seth Cayley of Cengage reveals the unexpected level of interest in the Times Digital Archive for teaching

Integrating business models

Sven Fund is managing director of De Gruyter. We asked him about the company's recent purchase of Versita, open-access plans and internationalisation of content

Access, review and changing brains

Developments in the internet are enabling new approaches to access, peer review and even changing the ways our brains work. Sian Harris reports back from the STM Frankfurt meeting

Integrate, not separate, social media

In 2006 when Charlie Rapple last wrote for us about Web 2.0, the term was new and rather mysterious. Five years on, it's become part of the strategy of many scholarly publishers. She shares some tips about how to make best use of what this technology offers

A semantic approach

TEMIS has recently launched the latest version of its Luxid product for semantic enrichment. Eric Brégand, chief executive officer of the company, tells us how this can help publishers

Collaboration drives research innovation

Science has traditionally relied on the sharing of knowledge and ideas, but now collaboration across borders and disciplines is building a new foundation for accelerating scientific discovery, writes Elsevier's Rafael Sidi

A decade of innovation

As we celebrate 10 years of Research Information, here's a look back at a few of the many things experts have told us over our early years (all details of products, companies and people are described as they were at the time of original publication in Research Information)

Store for safekeeping

The path to digital preservation has been peppered with problems, but progress has been rapid, reports Rebecca Pool

A place for everything?

While the last decade has seen researchers warm to open-access digital repositories, whole-hearted adoption is some way off yet, reports Rebecca Pool

Making knowledge accessible

Libraries have been around for a long time but technology has changed how we access them. Friedel Grant of The European Library looks at some of the things on offer from digital libraries and what the future will hold

Licensing in an online world

Copyright is a complex topic and has become more complex in a digital world. Christopher Kenneally of Copyright Clearance Center considers ways that authors and publishers can communicate and protect their rights

The problem with measuring Twitter

With social media finding its way into every aspect of our lives, it is becoming increasingly interesting to find what it says about the value of research. It's not a simple process, however, as David Stuart reveals

An exciting mix

Alicia Wise has been a researcher, worked with JISC in negotiating access deals and now works for Elsevier. She shares her experiences of access to research resources in these different roles

Anticipating OA growth

Jason Wilde of Nature Publishing Group reveals some of the challenges of the open-access publishing model for journals with high rejection rates

Mobile access gathers momentum

Apps and mobile versions of websites are springing up everywhere in the scholarly publishing industry. Publishers and library management system suppliers reveal some of the latest trends. Interviews by Rebecca Pool and Sian Harris

A family firm

Knut Dorn has announced his retirement later this year as senior managing partner and director of sales for the bookseller and subscription agent Harrassowitz. He told Sian Harris about the company's remarkable history

Passing on the knowledge

Lenny Rhine teaches researchers in developing countries how to use the wealth of free resources made available through the Research4Life programmes. Sian Harris found out about some of his latest activities

Unlocking unstructured data

With unstructured information volumes growing fast, John Pomeroy, vice president - Europe of MarkLogic believes it is important for organisations to use it to gain new insight

Rethinking publishing

Siân Harris reports back from the UKSG meeting held in Harrogate in April on some of the expectations of researchers of the role of publishers

Discussions reveal e-book trends

Siân Harris spoke about e-book trends at the E-books and E-content 2011 meeting at UCL in London in May. She reveals some of the things she and other speakers discussed there and at the recent UKSG meeting

Thinking globally

Addressing the information needs of libraries and researchers around the world is no small task. Siân Harris asked three publishers about the benefits and challenges of being international

Changing language can help reach global audience

Disseminating research findings for an international audience raises the issue of publishing language. Siân Harris spoke to some journal editors about why they switched from their native languages to English

Serving authors and readers

In January YS Chi, chairman of Elsevier's management committee, became president of the International Publishers Association. He is optimistic about the role of publishers

Putting research data into the cloud

David Utting of JISC shares how £12.5 million from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) is being invested to give opportunities to UK researchers to store, manage and use their data using cloud computing

Opening library data

Libraries generate and hold large amounts of data. David Stuart looks at the potential benefits of sharing and allowing people to innovate with it

Discovery services sift through expert resources

Researchers and librarians around the world are embracing discovery services. Sian Harris talked to three providers of these tools to find out why they are becoming so popular with libraries and their users

Bringing e-book resources together

Last year the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) published a study into scholarly books carried out by consultant Laura Cox. Among the many findings, the study revealed that aggregators and e-book vendors were the favoured channels to market for publishers, although publishers' own platforms and those of their hosting company were also well used. Sian Harris asked some e-book providers about the role of aggregators, their relationships with publishers and the business models being used

'Libraries should open up data'

Data was one of the buzz words at the Online Information exhibition and conference held in London in December, Siân Harris reports on discussions about linking library data

Rethinking the journal article

Elsevier is extending its 'article of the future' concept. Siân Harris found out about the plans and challenges from IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg of the company at Online Information

Patent resources take on Asian challenge

As the number of patents filed by Asian countries grows rapidly, researchers elsewhere in the world are struggling to find, understand and work with this information. Siân Harris finds out how some companies are helping to meet this need

From librarian to information consultant

Modern information professionals are required to be information controllers, organisers, advisers and consultants, as Hervé Basset reports from the Pharma-Bio-Med conference

Working with changing patterns

Researchers have the same core content needs as they had in the past but the way they use content is changing, says Mary Sauer-Games, senior vice president, market development at ProQuest

Reinventing reference

Putting reference titles online can take publishers a long way from the traditional concept of a book, as Tom Wilkie discovered when he spoke to Elsevier's Suzanne BeDell

Experts give new slant on peer review

Sarah Greene has just been appointed editor-in-chief of Faculty of 1000 (F1000) as well as editor of The Scientist magazine. We ask her how post-publication peer review helps researchers guide scientists to the most important work

The information battle

Publishers, libraries and researchers need to work together to address government access requirements, according to discussions at the annual ALPSP conference, writes Sian Harris

The future of research in tough times

'Efficiency must not come at the cost of effectiveness' was the message coming out of the recent JISC research conference, write Matthew Dovey and Nicola Yeeles of JISC

Pressure over prices

The proposed boycott of Nature Publishing Group by the University of California illustrates the plight of cash-strapped libraries worldwide. Rebecca Pool looks for an answer

The start of an adventure

October saw the fourth global Open Access Week. Heather Joseph and Jennifer McLennan of SPARC report on some of the things going on around the world during the week

Database versus search engine

Specialist databases yield results that are less easily found through Google, reveals research by energy-information database ETDEWEB
