ProQuest Platform
Libraries with a database on the ProQuest platform can now use it for access to full text of the electronic content in its collection, from ProQuest or from another content provider.
Libraries with a database on the ProQuest platform can now use it for access to full text of the electronic content in its collection, from ProQuest or from another content provider.
The EMBO Journal and EMBO reports, which are published by Nature Publishing Group, will accept open-access articles as of January 2007, subject to payment of a publication fee.
Open-access STM publisher Hindawi Publishing has added new titles to its portfolio of engineering, life sciences, mathematics and physical science journals. such as the International Journal of Aerospace engineering.
Wiley-VCH has launched physica status solidi RRL – Rapid Research Letters, the latest member of the journals cluster physica status solidi.
Knovel Corporation has announced a new content partnership with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). This partnership is expected to expand Knovel’s offering for the aerospace industry.
Inderscience is launching a bi-monthly journal to address empirical and theoretical approaches to the study of engineering materials and their processing technologies and surface engineering.
Wiley-VCH is launching Macromolecular Reaction Engineering (MRE), the youngest member of its Macromolecular Journals family, which will focus on polymer reaction engineering for the development of polymeric materials.
Access Innovations (AI), which provides the Data Harmony suite of taxonomy software tools, is working with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers to improve the institute’s online research services.
Dialog has added the Engineering Index Backfile to the Dialog platform. This backfile from Engineering Information is said to add more than 1.7 million records dating back to 1884.
Maney Publishing and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining are launching Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, to look at reactions at tribological interfaces.