River Valley Technologies

'Fast publication can save lives!'

River Valley Technologies director Maryam Bazargan describes her early career, 10 years of working with her brother Kaveh, and her love of languages and cultures

Platforms of note

Five industry figures tell Tim Gillett what authors should be looking for when disseminating their work


Authors of biology and biomedical papers can now choose to submit to a journal directly from bioRxiv, as well as to submit to bioRxiv automatically from a journal

ProofCheck by River Valley

After evaluating several competing products in 2016, De Gruyter has chosen River Valley’s online proofing platform, ProofCheck.

De Gruyter had previously been sending authors their proofs in PDF format for annotation.  Authors’ corrections would then be implemented to produce the final publication. De Gruyter was looking for a faster and more reliable system in order to minimise admin within the publication workflows of their online-only journals.


River Valley Technologies, the UK-based typesetting company, says its new RVPublisher platform will cut production costs and turn around times in half for publishers

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