Analysis & opinion

23 October 2012

A new initiative promises to solve the problem of identifying researchers, writes Neil Jacobs of JISC

23 October 2012

Web platform facilitates collaboration between primary care physicians, specialists and patients, writes Silvia Orte

04 October 2012

Pervasive barriers restrict women's participation in science and technology fields even in the wealthiest nations, says a new report. Susan Elan finds out more

04 October 2012

Jim Russell reveals how a project is helping print-disabled researchers gain access to the books they need in formats they can use

04 October 2012

Andy Richardson considers why publishers need to update their contracts, rights and royalties processes to make the most of e-book opportunities

01 October 2012

Antoni Felguera and Marc Torrent report on a European project to help open up public data

17 September 2012

Sian Harris spoke at last week's ALPSP conference about the challenges for science and technology journalists of accessing scholarly content. See her slides and read the transcript of her talk, including recommendations for publishers and researchers

10 September 2012

In conversations at the Special Libraries Association meeting in July, Tom Wilkie heard a variety of views about the future of the learned journal

04 September 2012

Academic libraries need to evolve to continue to meet the needs of their users in an open-access world, reports Sian Harris

29 August 2012

Citations play a big part in assessing a journal's quality but what happens when many of those citations come from papers authored by that journal's editorial board? Paul Peters considers the need to establish guidelines for appropriate citation practices

22 August 2012

With the annual ALPSP conference approaching, we asked Audrey McCulloch, the new chief executive of the industry organisation, three questions about how she ended up in scholarly publishing and the best - and worst - things about the industry

20 August 2012

The findings from five JISC-funded projects on mobile delivery are about to be shared with the academic community. Ben Showers says that they will highlight a much wider debate
