Analysis & opinion

21 September 2022

Six university presses join forces to support early-career researchers from 2022 to 2025 with the OpenUP initiative

Photo credit: Olwenn Ní Dhubhghaill

06 September 2022

Sabine Louët uncovers three myths about digital research dissemination and shares lessons she has learned

Sowmya Swaminathan

29 June 2022

Sowmya Swaminathan discusses the implications for publishers in helping to foster open research practices

Nandita Quaderi

27 June 2022

Nandita Quaderi explains how Covid-19 continues to affect the citation network, and introduces a new kind of citation distortion

Oluchi Ojinamma Okere

20 June 2022

Oluchi Ojinamma Okere outlines how researchers in sub-Saharan countries are being hamstrung by economics

Miriam Maus

06 June 2022

If scientists are successful, we are successful, writes Miriam Maus, publishing director at IOP Publishing

James Gray

23 May 2022

James Gray assesses the situation and how it can be addressed


23 May 2022

Matt Balara explains how an established publisher, De Gruyter, completed an extraordinary transformation

Céline Richard

21 April 2022

Céline Richard explains what the Large Hadron Collider has taught us about the importance of open access research

Tasha Mellins-Cohen

19 April 2022

COUNTER reports have an integral role to play in our wider scholarly communication system, writes Tasha Mellins-Cohen

Heather Staines

25 March 2022

Heather Staines sums up proceedings at this year's Researcher to Reader conference

08 March 2022

A talent pipeline needs to be developed and maintained to provide a diverse and inclusive workforce, writes Anca Ciobanu
