Strategy infokit
A toolkit from JISC is expected to help institutions source evidence to support decision making. The strategy infokit has been revamped to include a major new section on ‘business intelligence’ and the role it can play in enabling institutions to make informed evidence-based decisions.
'Higher education is going through a great deal of change at the moment; consequently the need for institutions to have access to detailed and accurate information about their activities and the environment in which they operate has increased markedly,' said Steve Bailey of JISC Infonet, the service that developed the kit.
The resource also includes the experiences of universities and colleges who used aspects of the strategy infokit including the University of Sheffield, Edinburgh University, Cambridge Regional College and Beaumont College, Lancaster. Each of these institutions tried out aspects of the infokit in ‘real world’ contexts and their reflections have been integrated within the main infokit, as well as each being available for download in their entirety.