Routledge Interactive
Ingram Content Group and Taylor & Francis have teamed up on an e-textbook initiative. Routledge Interactive is aimed at giving the education community greater control over their learning experience through media-rich interactive content.
Students who purchase a Routledge Interactive textbook will receive 12-month complimentary access to the e-textbook through the VitalSource Bookshelf e-textbook delivery platform. Each title is said to include tailored interactive content, including embedded videos, walkthroughs and quizzes to best suit the needs of each textbook. The Bookshelf platform also enables portability, search functionality and note-sharing.
The VitalSource Bookshelf platform, which fully supports EPUB3, can be accessed online or via download, on a variety of device types including Mac, Windows, iPad, Android, and Kindle Fire.
With Routledge Interactive, Taylor & Francis is said to have developed some of its best textbooks into integrated book and e-textbook packs. The print textbook encourages students and educators to gain more from interactive content like LMS-ready assessments and author videos via the Bookshelf platform.
These e-textbooks were developed using the EPUB3 format standard and Vital Source FLOESM, an interactive learning object publishing platform. Using the Vital Source FLOE platform, the team from Routledge created HTML5 learning objects, such as quizzes and assessments, and seamlessly integrated those objects within their e-textbooks.
Interactive learning objects created with FLOE are easily embedded throughout e-textbooks and can be set up to report directly to learning management system (LMS) grade books through Vital Source LMS integrations.