Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics
Springer is collaborating with the German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) to publish a new open access journal, Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics. The first articles have already been published and are freely available on the journal’s website.
The new international and interdisciplinary journal covers the results of innovative research in current molecular and cellular concepts in pediatrics. Topics include rare and genetic diseases, oncology, immunology, cardiology, endocrinology, gene therapy, neurology, nephrology, pneumology, infectiology, metabolism, gastroenterology, neonatology and translational medicine.
The journal consists of frontline reviews and original research on the latest developments, and also features a discussion forum. Editor-in-Chief Klaus-Michael Debatin is supported by Managing Editor Martin Wabitsch, both of the University Medical Center Ulm, Germany, and an international editorial board of experts in pediatrics.