Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

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Swiss open-access publisher and research network, Frontiers, part of the Nature Publishing Group family, is launching Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution is described as 'an exciting addition to the "Frontiers in" journal series'. It promises to cover research in evolutionary biology, ecosystem and systems ecology, macroecology, phylogenetics, and conservation.

Specialty sections within the journal include: agroecology and land use systems; behavioral and evolutionary ecology; chemical ecology; evolutionary and genomic microbiology; evolutionary and population genetics; interdisciplinary climate studies; paleoecology; paleontology; population dynamics; phylogenetics, phylogenomics, and systematics.

Frontiers publishes all articles under a CC-BY licence, which allows users to share, copy and distribute a work, provided they credit the original authors and their work.