Innovative Interfaces is developing a new unified search-and-access tool called Encore, which is planned for general release in mid-2007. This discovery-services platform uses Web 2.0 technologies and builds on the company’s Millennium integrated-library technology system.
Millennium’s integrated tools for authentication, federated searching, and link resolution will be pulled into Encore. In this way, patrons can arrive at what they need without an extended search path, complex searching strategies, or the need to know a specific solution to their information need. Libraries should also be able to deliver this service without the need for extensive programming resources and technology expertise.
Features and products planned for the first release of Encore include simultaneous import and display of federated-searching results and link-resolution destinations. There is a faceted results display for effortless retrieval of complex data sets. RightResult relevance ranking is enhanced with a new Best Bets feature.