CABI`s eBook programme - A flexible approach for libraries
Are you building your eBook collection? Are you looking for flexibility in title selection? Our recently expanded eBooks programme now offers greater flexibility for libraries, ensuring you get the eBooks you require.
You can now access over 700 of our research monographs, encyclopedias, practical handbooks and reference works as complete collections and, for the first time, title-by-title.
CAB eBooks, CABI’s dedicated eBooks platform, offers immediate and unlimited access to our complete collection across all subject areas, including the latest titles as soon as they become available. In addition, CAB eBooks operates alongside CAB Abstracts – CABI’s leading abstracts database – to provide rich indexing and search tools to make discovering content that much easier. The platform provides COUNTER4 usage reports and there is no DRM: no limits or restrictions to concurrent users, downloads, printing, sharing or interlibrary loan.
For those who require a more tailored set of eBooks we’ve created the CABI Choice Collections: the most flexible purchase options for CABI eBook content, giving you the ability to select the titles you need, with online access from anywhere and permissive DRM. Launched in 2014, we worked with our subject experts to create fully complementary, flexible and customisable title lists that can be combined and reworked to build your ideal collection.
Rachel Cutts, eBooks Product Manager at CABI states, ‘we created flexible tools in response to customer needs - the Choice Collections enable librarians to select exactly the titles they need, to create the perfect collection for their patrons, and their budgets.’
Our eBook offerings put the choice of individual titles or fixed collections collated by subject experts firmly in your hands.