Warwick repository adds 1000th item
A JISC-funded repository based at Warwick University in the UK has uploaded its 1000th item, just under a year after its launch.
The Warwick Research Archive Project (WRAP) continues to add articles and PhD theses to the free online resource. This follows funding from JISC's £14 million repositories and preservation programme, which aimed to start up and interlink repositories in universities and colleges across the UK.
JISC provided the institutions with access to trusted experts and supported services such as digital rights management and preservation services, which form the building blocks for a network of repositories.
‘By working together, sharing practice and establishing common standards, UK universities and colleges can help to improve access to research and learning, as well as managing and curating their output for the future,’ commented Neil Jacobs, JISC information environment programme manager. ‘JISC is delighted with the contribution of WRAP to this shared vision and we look forward to supporting more repositories around the UK in the new programme of work starting this year.’