Transfer launches Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service
The Transfer project has released a rapid alerting service that will allow publishers to provide a standardised set of information about journal transfers to a searchable database. The database should provide a simple and easily accessible way for librarians and other groups to find out about journal transfers involving the 36 publishers that currently endorse the Transfer Code of Practice.
The Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service (ETAS) is the latest development from the Transfer Working Group and is a partnership of JISC, Mimas, UKSG and Cranfield University. It will replace the existing Transfer alerting service, which was not linked to a database. Data from the old alerting service system will also be migrated to ETAS.
Commenting on the new service, Elizabeth Winter, co-chair of the Transfer Working Group and Electronic Resources Coordinator at Georgia Institute of Technology, said: ‘Keeping up with journal transfers is always a struggle. My colleagues and I have desired a database of transfer information for a long while, so I'm delighted that the project partners were able to bring this to fruition. I hope serials and e-resources librarians everywhere will agree that it is useful.’