Taylor & Francis launches Covid-19 portal
Taylor & Francis has published a microsite that aggregates and organises all recently published COVID-19 research in one portal, including all relevant research articles and book chapters. All breaking research relating to COVID-19 is freely accessible in support of global efforts in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and further research into the virus. New research will be added to the microsite as soon as it breaks.
Taylor & Francis says it is committed to helping public health authorities, researchers, clinicians and the general public to contain and manage the spread of COVID-19, and allowing experts to pool their collective wisdom to combat this disease.
As signatories to NIH’s Access to Research initiative, along with the Wellcome Trust’s coordinated action on sharing research data and findings relevant to the outbreak, Taylor & Francis has been working with WHO to ensure this content is clearly signposted. Taylor & Francis is also aligning with the OSTP initiative to centralise resources on PubMed, whom they are currently working with to ensure rapid human and machine-readable access where possible to research articles and data through the NLM’s Litcovid portal.
Further breaking COVID-19 research including pre-prints is also available through a dedicated F1000Research gateway, to ensure immediate access to the latest research developments.
'The global spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 underscores the critical need for intensified collaboration between researchers, public health authorities, clinicians and the general public,' says Annie Callanan, CEO of Taylor & Francis. 'We all deserve to be empowered with facts and high-quality research that can be trusted and built upon to find solutions.'