Springer Nature deposits 600k chemical compounds on PubChem

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Springer Nature has deposited 600,000 chemical compounds on PubChem, collectively offering more than 26 million links back into the primary literature, eBooks or major reference works located on SpringerLink, BMC or nature.com.

Of these, 1.6 million links point to open or free access documents. Documents from all chemistry and life sciences-related disciplines were automatically annotated using InfoChem's chemical named entity recognition technology.

In the PubChem Compound Summary users now will find a widget listing the Springer Nature Documents containing that compound. The relevance of the compounds in these articles was determined using a smart algorithm which allows sorting the documents hit list by compound relevance.

Steffen Pauly, editorial director for chemistry at Springer Nature, said: 'This will allow researchers worldwide to easily find chemical compounds in Springer Nature content, regardless of which synonym is used. It is the first time that a publisher has made automatically generated chemistry content publicly available to such an extent and in such a systematical manner.'

Evan Bolton, head of chemistry program at NCBI, said: 'This will help to satisfy our users’ demand for more literature information in PubChem and we hope that other scientific publishers will follow suit.'

Springer Nature sees the rise of open research, including open data, as being one of the major forces reshaping the way that researchers collaborate to advance the pace of and quality of discovery.  This initiative will enhance the discoverability and accessibility of scientific information in an easy and intuitive way, and enable access to a wider range of users.

About 40 percent of the compounds are novel to PubChem and therefore provide a powerful new source of chemical content for researchers worldwide.