SAGE trials SciVee video platform

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SAGE is doing a three-month trial of the SciVee platform for three journals published by SAGE on behalf of the Association for Psychological Science. The trial is designed to evaluate if SciVee video PubCasts will increase article views, broaden reader interest and promote authors. The journals included in the evaluation are Psychological Science, Psychological Science in the Public Interest and Current Directions in Psychological Science.

'SAGE is keenly focused on developing innovative new ways of disseminating scientific information,' said Jayne Marks, vice president and editorial director of SAGE's Library Information Group. 'There is growing interest from both readers and authors for more video and rich media within research articles. SciVee’s pubcasts appear to be an excellent vehicle for adding this content'

SciVee PubCasts are synchronised video abstracts that enable a reader to see and hear a scientist discuss selected sections of their online journal article. PubCasts are expected to offer a more engaging and dynamic way to present scientific knowledge than a text-only abstract.