SAGE-Hindawi OA platform launches

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The open-access joint-venture between SAGE and Hindawi was officially launched at Online Information in London. This follows last month’s announcement of the two companies’ plans to jointly launch and publish a suite of fully open-access journals.

The partnership will see equal ownership between the two organisations. SAGE will have sole responsibility for the editorial development, marketing, and promotion of the new journals while Hindawi will provide the technology and expertise needed to run the publication process from the point of submission, through the peer-review process, to the point of final publication. Under the model, all SAGE-Hindawi journal articles will be made freely available online via the Hindawi platform, funded by author charges.

‘SAGE is committed to maintaining innovative publishing models for the benefit of the academic community, in keeping with our vision to be the natural home for authors, editors and societies,’ commented Blaise Simqu, CEO, SAGE.

‘We are delighted to be working with SAGE on this joint initiative,’ said Ahmed Hindawi, CEO of Hindawi Publishing Corporation. ‘Hindawi currently has a very successful open-access journal collection, which is quite solid both academically and financially, and SAGE's strong market presence and expertise will enable us to further expand our open-access offerings to the scientific communities we serve.’