NISO launches new standards projects
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has launched six new standard or recommended practice development projects in the past six months.
The six new project working groups are:
E-journal Presentation & Identification, which will develop a NISO Recommended Practice for the presentation and identification of e-journals to improve the title listings and supporting metadata on journal websites and to particularly address the issue of titles that change names or publishers.
Improving OpenURLs Through Analytics (IOTA), which is investigating the feasibility of creating industry-wide, transparent, and scalable metrics for evaluating and comparing the quality of OpenURL implementations across content. It builds on work begun at Cornell University as part of a 2008/2009 Mellon Planning Grant. The results of this investigation and follow-up recommendations will be published in a NISO Technical Report.
RFID in Libraries Revision, which will produce a revision of the NISO Recommended Practice, RFID in U.S. Libraries (NISO RP 6-2008). The related ISO standard on RFID in libraries is in the final stages of development, with publication expected in late 2010.
Standardized Markup for Journal Articles Working Group, which will take the currently existing National Library of Medicine (NLM) Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite version 3.0, the three journal article schemas, and the documentation and shepherd it through the NISO standardisation process.
NISO/NFAIS Supplemental Journal Article Materials, two working groups in partnership with NFAIS that will develop a Recommended Practice for publisher inclusion, handling, display, and preservation of supplemental journal article materials.
NISO/UKSG Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (KBART) Phase 2, which takes up the outstanding items that were identified in the January 2010 recommended practice, KBART: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (NISO RP-9-2010). The group will develop a second recommended practice focusing on the more advanced, complex issues that cause problems in utilizing OpenURL knowledge bases. The group will also deliver a centralised information portal to support educational activities.