New Nielsen figures published
Nielsen Book has released its official 2007 book production figures for the UK. According to Nielsen, the number of new titles published in the UK in 2007 was 115,420, a slight reduction against 2006, but still ahead of the 2005 production figures.
The number of publishers in the UK is continuing to rise. According to Nielsen's records of companies registering for their first ISBN prefix, new publishers in 2007 totalled 3,158, compared with 2,801 in 2006.
Nielsen Book also revealed that 284,082 titles were added to its database during 2007. New records being added to the database on a daily basis increased from 1,082 during 2006 to over 1,127 in 2007; an increase of 4.1 per cent on 2006 figures.
However global figures show that around 257,400 titles were published in the English language in 2007, which is slightly down from the 2006 figure.