Mendeley promises to accelerate analytics

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Academic institutions in North America, Europe, and Asia have signed up to a new data dashboard by Mendeley. The dashboard analyses their research activity and impact on the global research community in real time. This promises to beat the three to five year time lag of the “impact factor”. It should allow academic institutions to react faster to their faculty’s research needs and provide them with quicker, more personalised support during the research process.

Mendeley’s Institutional Edition, distributed by Swets, is said to bring research impact measurement to real-time speed and provide more granular and social metrics of how academic research is consumed, discussed, and annotated. It allows research institutions to see detailed analytics of the journals their academics are reading, the journals they are publishing in, and how many readers those publications have. This data is built on Mendeley’s global research community of more than 1.8 million academics who are using the startup’s tools for document management, discovery, and collaboration.

The first customers of Mendeley’s data dashboard include: the University of Pittsburgh; the University of Western Ontario; the University of Nevada, Reno; the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland; the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Japan.