MasterVision gives customer insight to European Respiratory Society
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) has adopted DataSalon's MasterVision service in order to gain a better understanding of its customer base and to develop its publications business further. MasterVision is said to give ERS a complete ‘single customer view’ of all its customers and contacts, incorporating subscribers, society members, authors, book sales, article sales, usage and turnaways. All of this customer data has been merged and de-duplicated so that ERS has, for the first time in one place, a complete picture of customer interactions to inform new sales and marketing opportunities.
ERS staff plan to use MasterVision in several different ways to gain insight and inform strategy: understanding how members interact with ERS publications, upselling membership to customers, mapping the relationship between individuals and institutional customers, safeguarding renewals, and driving marketing to institutional customers.
Elin Reeves, head of publications at the society, explained, 'We have licensed MasterVision to give us a clearer understanding of the relationships between our members, our individual customers and their institutions. We expect MasterVision to provide valuable insight into our customers and to enable us to carry out more targeted sales and marketing campaigns.'