Kudos/Jisc agreement provides standard agreement for UK universities

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Kudos has partnered with Jisc Collections to provide a standard agreement for all UK universities. The agreement is aimed at simplifying the procurement process and assuring best pricing for UK customers of Kudos for Institutions, a toolkit for increasing the reach and impact of a university’s research.

To coincide with the new agreement, Kudos is also introducing new tiered pricing for all its institutional customers around the world, to acknowledge different levels of research intensity and ensure that the widest possible range of universities can access Kudos intelligence to help strengthen their research support services.

'The financial climate means universities need to strengthen their services, to attract and retain the best researchers – and they need to do this as cost-effectively as possible,' said Charlie Rapple, sales and marketing director and co-founder of Kudos. 'Our new pricing, and our agreement with Jisc, helps institutions achieve both these goals.'

Liam Earney, director of Jisc Collections, added: 'Jisc Collections continues to expand the nature of the resources we help institutions to license. Last year we set up a national consortium for ORCID, intended in part to improve the visibility of UK research – the Kudos service has a similar focus and we are glad to be able to help our members benefit from it.'