Heidelberg University announces OA policy
Heidelberg University in Germany has announced that it is 'pressing ahead to expand open access'. A new policy from the university mandates the university library to coordinate open-access activities, including setting up a fund for article processing charges and managing the university's institutional repository.
However, the policy does not mandate that researchers publish as open access, saying that the policy represents a recommendation but not an obligation.
'Academic freedom also extends to the free choice of publication form,' explains the university. 'The university is concerned to underline that, ultimately, it is entirely up to the authors themselves to decide where they publish their works and under what access conditions. In the case of publishing a document with limited access, the university recommends that authors refrain from assigning exclusive rights of use and that they reserve a simple right of use to public access, in order to facilitate a later, second publication on the university’s publication server. The university library offers advice and support in this matter.'