Framework to support researchers launched by STM

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A framework that helps online platforms determine in real time whether journal articles can be legally shared, has been devised by experts at STM.

The Article Sharing Framework announced at the STM Spring Conference on 28 April will help platforms and publishers comply with new obligations from Europe.  

The new EU Copyright Directive, which comes into effect in June, requires online content sharing platforms to seek permission from publishers when providing access to content uploaded by their users and for publishers to provide the information necessary to determine if, or under which conditions, the sharing of content is permitted.

To make complying with this new requirement as easy as possible, STM, working with NISO (National Information Standards Organization) and Crossref, has developed an innovative solution, which will allow platforms to automatically identify article versions, and their associated sharing permissions. This will allow them to determine in real-time if the uploading of an article is allowed. There is no cost associated with using the framework.

James Milne Ph.D., chair of the STM board and president of the publications division of the American Chemical Society, said: 'The Article Sharing Framework removes the burden on researchers of having to check compliance, and instead encourages publishers and platforms to work together to facilitate sharing in ways that are respectful of publisher policies.'

STM CEO Ian Moss added: 'The Article Sharing Framework is a great example of how we, and our members, support the work of researchers to ensure they are able to focus on their day jobs of making new discoveries and enjoy a smooth workflow in relationship to the sharing of content against a background of complex legislative changes.' 

And Todd Carpenter, executive director of NISO, said: 'The Article Sharing Framework is built upon two existing and adopted standards, the NISO Journal Article Versions (JAV) and the NISO Article License Indicators (ALI) Recommended Practices, which should ease the challenges of implementation. Working collaboratively across the community, we were able to find an elegant solution to a complex problem without having to build a new infrastructure stack.'

Resources for integrating with the Article Sharing Framework for publishers and platforms are being made available on the STM website.