Elsevier biomedical database now includes medical devices
Elsevier's Embase biomedical database has been enhanced to support the retrieval of medical device information. The company says the improvements support comprehensive post-market surveillance and device safety as well as the development of novel devices.
Embase, which is part of the Elsevier Life Science Solutions portfolio, will now help users prepare for clinical evaluations and perform post-market surveillance for medical devices more effectively through newly added functionality.
Elsevier says medical device manufacturers using Embase will be able to carry out systematic reviews and compile a range of technological reviews including health technology assessments, rapid advisories, comparative effectiveness reviews and clinical evaluations for a medical device. Users will be able to monitor the literature for adverse device effects, emerging public health threats, quality complaints and inaccurate or inappropriate statements on devices.
'Whether monitoring adverse device effects to comply with post-market surveillance or developing a novel device, searching and identifying medical device-specific information in the literature is critical for manufacturers,' said Daan de Jong, director of product development at Elsevier.
'As the body of scientific literature continues to expand, carrying out this comprehensive monitoring is becoming a significant challenge. Embase boasts wide literature coverage and now has dedicated functionality for medical devices, so manufacturers can feel confident they have tools to be fully compliant.'