Content partners work together on digital rights project

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Executives from news media, publishing, TV, film, music, IT and internet media businesses are working with existing standards and licensing organisations on a cross-media global project that they hope will result in better and easier management of copyright in the online world.
The remit of the Linked Content Coalition (LCC) is to work over the next 12 months to create the right conditions for a fully connected standards-based rights management and communications infrastructure. This, say the partners, will enable businesses and individuals to go with the grain of technology to manage their rights, and communicate information about them to users, much more effectively online.
Participants in the project will identify what works, what doesn't work, what exists already and what is yet required. Technical work will be undertaken by experts from across the media industry and recommendations will be made to link the various strands of rights-management data needed for the modern management of online copyright. 

‘Copyright is the cornerstone of the creative sector; the future success of businesses which invest in quality content the world over depend on it working for us online just as it has always worked for publishing books, newspapers, TV channels, films and music. As the internet and mobile platforms operate increasingly in a "machine to machine" environment, driven by data, the management of copyright must not be left behind,’ said the chairman of the LCC project board, Christoph Keese, president of public affairs at Axel Springer AG.