Digging into data in new ways
Alastair Dunning discusses how new large-scale data analysis techniques of many different types of data sets can give researchers new insight
Alastair Dunning discusses how new large-scale data analysis techniques of many different types of data sets can give researchers new insight
The American Institute of Physics, Ex Libris, Serials Solutions and OCLC are the first organisations have endorsed the Phase I recommendations of the KBART Working Group
The Planets project has deposited a time capsule containing a record of the 'Digital Genome' inside Swiss Fort Knox - a high security digital storage facility hidden deep in the Swiss Alps
How to put the right technology at the heart of education and research was the theme of this year's JISC annual conference
The proposed Google Books settlement could violate international laws and treaties, argues new analysis from the Open Book Alliance
The provosts and presidents of 27 major private and public research institutions in the USA have voiced their support for the new Federal Research Public Access Act
Researchers are increasingly turning to social tools to help in their research. Lawrie Phipps examines what this could mean for researchers and students
Research in the journal Trials reveals that nearly 20 per cent of clinical trials into strokes are not published in full
The growing pressure to produce publishable results can adversely impact the quality of scientific research, according to new EU-funded research published in the journal PLoS ONE
Tom Wilkie reports back from the London Book Fair, where rights management was a hot topic for discussion