Call for papers – Challenges in the Scholarly Publishing Cycle 2019: DEADLINE EXTENDED

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Deadline extended to 21 June

Organised by Research Information magazine in partnership with Info International, our 2019 conference will provide librarians and information professionals with an invaluable insight into best practice for delivering the open research agenda.

With funders placing an increasing emphasis on open research, librarians are faced with the challenge of changing entrenched practices among researchers - particularly around the submission stage. 

At CISPC 2019, which will be held on Wednesday 20 November – once again at the glorious London Art House – we will be bringing together speakers from around the world that have addressed this challenge head-on, and who will share their experiences and expertise with fellow scholarly communication professionals. The website for the event will be live imminently.

Conference themes:

  • Convincing academics to share research;
  • Tackling the administrative overhead of open research submissions;
  • How technology tools can help smooth submission and searchability; and
  • Publishing ‘work in progress’ vs the wait for completed research articles.

Call for speakers:

We are currently accepting applications from the following:

  • Librarians/information professionals with a demonstrable record of success in implementing the open research agenda within their institution;
  • Representatives from funding bodies fuelling the move to open research;
  • Researchers/academics able to demonstrate changes in departmental/faculty approaches that have raised the profile of open research within an institution; and
  • Publishers/vendors that have developed tools aimed specifically at the open research movement, and that can present a working case study with a librarian/information professional. 

To apply, please send a 150-word summary of your proposed presentation to Tim Gillett (, conference chair, by 21 June.

Who should attend:

  • Librarians/information professionals wanting to improve researcher support and communication in the open research era;
  • Researchers/academics wanting to understand the benefits and challenges of delivering open research;
  • Publishers who want to develop platforms and submission channels that support the open research agenda; and
  • Vendors/service providers of tools that serve open research.




London Art House, 2-18 Britannia Row, Islington, London N1 8PA

Delegate rates:

Academics/librarians £100

Vendors/Publishers £250 

Sponsorship packages:


Enquiries to Mike Nelson (