Bioscientifica moves to CC-BY
Bioscientifica journals are moving to a CC-BY (Creative Commons Attribution) licence, for all research published on an open-access basis. This, pointed out the publisher, means that we will be relinquishing rights over the commercial reuse of accepted articles.
This policy is in line with the new funding requirements from the Wellcome Trust and Research Councils UK, which come into force from April 2013.
This new initiative covers the following Bioscientifica published journals: Endocrine-Related Cancer; European Journal of Endocrinology; Journal of Endocrinology; Journal of Molecular Endocrinology; and Reproduction. Endocrine Connections, the publisher's fully open-access journal, already conforms to the CC-BY licence.
Kathryn Spiller, head of publishing at Bioscientifica, said: 'Bioscientifica is excited to introduce this new initiative which will allow us to achieve sustainable open access and allow the broader access to our journals. This change is aimed at supporting the scientific community in disseminating their research findings as well as complying with funders’ requirements.'
The publisher said that it will continue to offer subscribing institutions a half-price article processing charge (APC) for all our journals.