950 Elsevier new health titles join Research4Life
Elsevier is contributing an additional 950 electronic books to the Research4Life initiative. This public-private partnership, which celebrated its tenth birthday earlier this year, provides the developing world access to critical scientific research.
Building on the 800 existing Elsevier science and technology books, the new electronic books cover Clinical Medicine (438 titles), Health Professions (332 titles), Veterinary Medicine (174 titles), and Clinical Dentistry (24 titles). These include seminal works such as, Clinical Gynecology, Cancer Pain, Pain Medicine, Spinal Cord Injuries, and Saunders Manual of Small Animal Practise and will be accessible to users by the end of the year.
'Everybody I've talked to at Elsevier takes real interest and pride at being involved in Research4Life,' commented Alicia Wise, director of universal access for Elsevier, at the Frankfurt Book Fair where the announcement was made.