December 2005/January 2006

Consultation helps database development

With over 500 customers signing up in its first six months Scopus has plenty of reason to be pleased with its abstracting and indexing database. Now, a year after launch, we ask the company's marketing manager Ginny Hendricks why she thinks the project has been successful

RFID industry confronts privacy fears

RFID is becoming a popular way to monitor materials in libraries and elsewhere but the use of this wireless technology has prompted questions about users' privacy. Dr Christian Kern, the head of systems development at Switzerland's Bibliotheca RFID Library Systems does not believe there is any cause for concern

Industry considers RSS

Web developers are excited by the way that RSS technology can alert users to new journal articles and other content without them needing to visit dozens of web sites each day but are the users so excited? Industry analyst David Mort investigates

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