Welsh Library Team of the Year Award winner named for 2022
25 November 2022
NHS Wales Library & Knowledge Service/NHS Wales e-library is the winner of the Welsh Library Team of the Year Award 2022
Twin initiatives to help minorities
27 June 2019
Two projects aimed at furthering the prospects of BAME professionals in academia have been launched
Librarians in top five professional groups for trustworthy information
20 February 2018
Librarians are in the top five professional groups the public believe are most likely to provide trustworthy information
A progressive professional body for a global sector
5 February 2018
Ayub Khan MBE looks forward to his year as CILIP President
A more open, accessible and inclusive CILIP
20 November 2017
The information profession has radically changed in recent years and it is continuing to evolve, writes Nick Poole
New – CILIP column: Breaking down barriers and building transferable skills
2 May 2017
The UK needs a strong library and information association to represent the sector, champion the difference we make, and develop skills and expertise, writes Kate Arnold