Analysis & opinion

15 January 2009

What is the cost and who pays for scholarly communication? The answers could come as a surprise, writes Rebecca Pool

18 December 2008

Going to a conference can involve lengthy negotiations about budgets, flight details, accommodation and work schedules. But it doesn't always have to be like that. Sian Harris finds out about new moves to bring more of the benefits of research meetings online

20 November 2008

A recent survey tracking publisher behaviour reveals that businesses are launching more journals, have relaxed copyright policies and are unsure of the latest internet technologies, writes Rebecca Pool

14 October 2008

Siân Harris spoke to some of the people behind the new Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association

09 October 2008

Siân Harris reports back from the recent ALPSP conference about how publishers could better address environmental concerns

05 August 2008

New research shows that fewer papers are being cited than in the days before the internet, reports Rebecca Pool

17 July 2008

The American Psychological Association is looking again at its plans to charge authors to fulfil the National Institutes of Health mandate.

16 June 2008

Library views are mixed about the urgency of digital preservation, according to a study by Portico and Ithaka.

19 May 2008

The SPARC Europe Seal for Open Access journals intends to address the confusion that sometimes surrounds the use and reuse of material published in OA journals.

14 April 2008

A British Library survey has revealed that researchers want the same rights with digital information as they have with print

06 March 2008

Nadya Anscombe reports on how rival neuroscience journals are working together to simply and speed up the peer-review process

07 February 2008

The peer review process is supported by the majority of researchers, according to a new report
