Analysis & opinion

14 November 2014

Securing a bright future for libraries and their users, by Fiona Leslie, EMEA marketing manager at OCLC

07 November 2014

Coordinated national approaches to developing open data strategies will help UK researchers to forge ahead on the international stage, says Phil Richards

04 November 2014

Publisher opportunities for text and data mining in an uncertain copyright environment, by Roy Kaufman of Copyright Clearance Center

03 November 2014

There has been much ado about the next-generation integrated library system, says Neil Block, VP for discovery innovation academic libraries at EBSCO

30 October 2014

At the recent Internet Librarians International conference in London, Karin Byström of Uppsala University in Sweden emphasised the need for discussion in closing the gap between librarians and publishers. Here we reproduce a summary of her presentation

19 October 2014

Mark Patterson reports back from the COASP meeting that was held in Paris in September

15 October 2014

In an article based on his presentation at the recent STM Frankfurt conference, Jonathan Foster asks how early-career researchers and publishers can help each other

13 October 2014

Olivier Dumon looks at big data and its potential to change the European educational landscape

02 October 2014

Ellen Collins considers a recent survey of researcher attitudes to monographs and asks what the future is for the academic book

24 September 2014

Swets Information Services has filed for bankruptcy

23 September 2014

Nature Publishing Group has announced the first of its own-brand journals to move to fully open access. We ask why the publisher has taken this move at this time

16 September 2014

Scholarly publishers are accustomed to dealing with big data and need the computing power to deal with it. Sian Harris asks Elsevier about its supercomputing technology and how it came to open up this resource as a service to researchers
