Analysis & opinion

03 March 2015

Digital Science recently hosted the first in a series of Open Data Spotlight events. Here, we find out what open data means for researchers. By Nicko Goncharoff, director of publisher relations and head of knowledge discovery at Digital Science.

23 February 2015

David Weinberger is senior researcher at the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and has been instrumental in the development of ideas about the impact of the web. Shortly before his recent keynote presentation at the OCLC EMEA Regional Council Meeting in Florence, he spoke with Sarah Bartlett about the library-sized hole in the Internet and how a library graph might help to fill it

19 February 2015

On 12 and 13 February, professionals from the cultural heritage and tech communities across the world gathered in Paris at the National Library of France for the 2015 EuropeanaTech Conference. Imogen Greenhalgh and Gregory Markus report

17 February 2015

Oliver Double, senior lecturer and head of drama at the University of Kent in the UK, describes the foundation of the British Stand-Up Comedy Archive

17 February 2015

Springer Science and Business Media CEO Derk Haank opened proceedings at the 2015 ASA Conference in London, with a challenging speech entitled 'Subscription agents: Partners or a nuisance?'

22 January 2015

In principle the benefits of sharing data, by which I mean the digital or analogue sources that underpin research findings, are undeniable, writes Verena Weigert, senior technology manager at Jisc

08 January 2015

While successive policy announcements by UK government and research funders have kept open access (OA) high on the agenda for UK researchers and universities, is it a similar priority for their European counterparts? By Mafalda Picarra, PASTEUR4OA project officer, Jisc

15 December 2014

Lorraine Estelle, executive director digital resources and divisional CEO of Jisc Collections, Jisc

According to conservative estimates, UK higher education institutions are paying £160m per year for subscriptions to peer-reviewed academic journals

10 December 2014

Jodie Bell of Taylor and Francis asks how important is social media as a communication tool?

27 November 2014

Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, head of data and HSS publishing in the Open Research team, and Amy Bourke, corporate communications manager at Nature Publishing Group, report on the first research data conference for early career researchers hosted by Scientific Data and Nature Publishing Group

26 November 2014

The cost to research organisations of making the transition to open access has so far been the object of little attention, says Rob Johnson of Research Consulting

17 November 2014

The discourse on open access to research data is aligned with the notion of rigorous science and the societal and economic benefits obtained from it
