Publishers for Development: the conference with a difference
If you’re a publisher there’s no shortage of conferences to attend, and it’s probably a difficult decision which to attend. But while many events cover relatively similar territory, there’s one boutique event which really tries to do something different: Publishers for Development.
In the year where a new series of global goals to address poverty and inequality were agreed – the Sustainable Development Goals – now is the time to be thinking how publishers can play an effective part.
To anyone who keeps an eye on what’s happening in research and higher education globally, there can be no doubt that something important is happening across Africa, Asia and Latin America.
University systems are growing, and research activity is rising.
What’s more, policymakers have woken up to the importance of research and higher education when designing and implementing national and regional development strategies.
The African Union’s 50 year vision, Agenda 2063, recognizes that if the potential of the continent’s young people is to be nurtured, and the natural and intellectual wealth of the continent realized, a stronger higher education system must be a feature of national and intra-regional strategies.
The Sustainable Development Goals identify a clear role for science and for lifelong learning to enable productive and fulfilling lives and to reduce poverty.
Numerous other national and regional agendas now make explicit reference to science and to tertiary education, describing a vision of development underpinned by knowledge and highly skilled citizens. There are now many more references to evidence-informed decision making and appeals for the use of research to inform policy and programme design by governments and parliaments across the world.
Of course high-level visions require practical steps to be taken, and solutions for day-to-day problems that face students, researchers and others seeking to use evidence and information to be found.
It’s here that Publishers for Development comes into its own.
At INASP we firmly believe that publishers have an important role to play. But to realize this potential, we need to be prepared to do things differently, and tailor approaches to the particular needs of institutions and individuals in developing countries.
So if you’re a publisher committed to playing a part in realizing the important, bold ambitions of the SDGs, through practical, tangible contributions to scholarship and learning in Africa, Asia and Latin America, then PfD is the conference you need to pick above others.
It takes place in June and September this year. Such is its popularity that we’ve responded to demand with two events, tailored to the interests of different publishing communities.
To join us, sign up here.
The Publishers for Development 2016 conferences will highlight and tell stories about the importance and impact of access to information and online research literature in various development contexts and in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Whether it be in furthering education and empowering communities, creating food security, reducing climate change or building strong relationships, the publishing community has an important role to play. The provision of access to research is able to positively, and negatively, impact national and international development. PfD 2016 will host a variety of interesting speakers from around the world to bring the theme to life.