Analysis & opinion

19 May 2008

The SPARC Europe Seal for Open Access journals intends to address the confusion that sometimes surrounds the use and reuse of material published in OA journals.

14 April 2008

A British Library survey has revealed that researchers want the same rights with digital information as they have with print

06 March 2008

Nadya Anscombe reports on how rival neuroscience journals are working together to simply and speed up the peer-review process

07 February 2008

The peer review process is supported by the majority of researchers, according to a new report

15 January 2008

Nadya Anscombe reports on a pilot project that hopes to unite the different metadata systems used by publishers and libraries

13 December 2007

As the race to place the UK's library catalogues online gathers momentum, several hurdles could slow progress reports Rebecca Pool

19 November 2007

A new study from OCLC reveals that just 13 per cent of the public feels it is the role of the library to create a social networking site for their communities, writes Siân Harris

15 October 2007

Can e-books make their mark in research libraries? Rebecca Pool finds out the predictions of a new study

07 September 2007

Tensions between advocates and opponents of open access increase with the launch of a new partnership that is aimed at protecting the integrity of scientific research, reports Nadya Anscombe

11 August 2007

Scientific publishers worldwide have refused to publish papers written in Word 2007. Rebecca Pool investigates

03 July 2007

E-books are becoming important parts of many publishers' plans but librarians and users are confused about how to buy them, according to a new survey. Nadya Anscombe reports

12 June 2007

A new code of practice promises to ease journal transfer for librarians, reports Rebecca Pool
