Analysis & opinion

20 August 2010

A culture of sharing gives students more access to both inspiring research and high-quality teaching, writes David Kernohan of JISC

20 August 2010

Shortly after Jeff Stewart reviewed the benefits of Google Wave in the AugSep10 issue of Research Information the search engine giant announced it was dropping the tool. We ask what the implications are for developers

14 July 2010

Collaborating on ways to organise and share information can help the research community to innovate, writes Sarah Porter, head of innovation at JISC

10 June 2010

Alastair Dunning discusses how new large-scale data analysis techniques of many different types of data sets can give researchers new insight

18 May 2010

How to put the right technology at the heart of education and research was the theme of this year's JISC annual conference

28 April 2010

Researchers are increasingly turning to social tools to help in their research. Lawrie Phipps examines what this could mean for researchers and students

27 April 2010

Tom Wilkie reports back from the London Book Fair, where rights management was a hot topic for discussion

29 March 2010

Neil Grindley of JISC reports on an international project that is making the business case for digital preservation

18 March 2010

Branwen Hide of the UK's Research Information Network (RIN) examines some of the latest challenges and initiatives with the peer-review process

18 March 2010

A new report shows universities how to work out their potential cost savings using various open-access models, writes Sian Harris

15 February 2010

The Dutch higher education sector is convinced of the need for open access, writes Annemiek van der Kuil, project manager of SURFshare in the Netherlands

03 February 2010

The general public are increasingly being invited to get involved in scientific data collection and view the results. Neil Jacobs of JISC looks at how this might benefit scientific understanding
