Analysis & opinion

20 March 2013

Sarah Bartlett reports from OCLC's recent conference about data

20 March 2013

A new project is looking at the use of cloud-based infrastructure to underpin Europe's information, write Friedel Grant and Susan Reilly

07 March 2013

As the gold open-access model gains ground, good management of article processing charges will be increasingly important for institutions, writes Ellen Collins

07 March 2013

Balviar Notay and Neil Jacobs unveil a way to help repositories improve metadata and how they track research outputs

14 February 2013

As the costs of long-term digital preservation climb, cloud storage doesn't look set to bring them down, reports Rebecca Pool

11 February 2013

George Lossius considers five trends for academic publishing in 2013

11 February 2013

Access to engineering information is crucial for creating the engineers of tomorrow and supporting the ones of today, write Stephanie Fernandes and Tim Hamer of the IET

21 January 2013

Sian Harris reports from STM's e-Production seminar on the challenges of editorial systems

18 January 2013

The development of electronic publishing, and the insistent demands from funders, are fuelling an interest in new metrics for research evaluation. But measuring the quality of science is still a difficult task as Tom Wilkie heard at the STM Innovations seminar in London last month

15 January 2013

Kathryn Spiller of BioScientifica Publishing reports on recent experiences of launching an open-access journal

14 January 2013

Valerie Matarese reflects on the emerging new profession of language professionals and calls for greater recognition of the people who facilitate research writing, especially with non-Anglophone researchers

07 January 2013

Neil Jacobs considers analytics and its role in research management and assessment
