Molecular Connections acquires Morressier
Deal "creates a differentiated model to meet the evolving needs of scholarly publishers and support their critical mission"
Deal "creates a differentiated model to meet the evolving needs of scholarly publishers and support their critical mission"
In advance of Peer Review Week (25-29 September), Research Information consultant editor Tim Gillett hosted a webinar on behalf of IOP Publishing and Morressier
Sami Benchekroun outlines post-pandemic trends in scholarly communications
The pandemic has pushed the use of technology to the fore and it is likely to remain there, writes Tim Gillett
Sami Benchekroun explains how a love of entrepreneurship and scholarly communications have shaped his career
The open-access movement is calling into question business models in scholarly publishing, writes Sami Benchekroun
Five industry figures tell us what authors should be looking for when disseminating their work
The year 2018 saw a massive boost in the move towards open access in scientific publishing, particularly in Europe, writes Sami Benchekroun