Petroleum Abstracts TULSA Database

The Petroleum Abstracts TULSA Database is now available via EBSCO Publishing's EBSCOhost platform.

Petroleum Abstracts’ TULSA Database is provided by The University of Tulsa. This database of information about oil and gas exploration and production is said to have more than 900,000 entries dating from 1965 to the present with more than 30,000 entries added each year. It contains indexed bibliographic references and abstracts for scientific and technical articles from more than 300 journals and 200 conference proceedings worldwide, as well as from patent gazettes and full-text patents, government documents, dissertations, books, and other sources.

Topics covered in the Petroleum Abstracts TULSA Database include: geology; geochemistry; geophysics; drilling; well logging; well completion and servicing; production of oil and gas; reservoir engineering and recovery methods; pipelining, shipping and storage; alternate fuels and energy sources; business and economics; health, safety and the environment; and science and engineering.

Linking technology available through EBSCOhost will enable institutions subscribing to both Petroleum Abstracts’ TULSA Database and EBSCO databases such as Academic Search and Business Source to seamlessly link from citations in the TULSA Database to the full text results from EBSCO.

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