IET announces the release of arXiv content in Inspec
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that over 30,000 pre-print articles available in online repository arXiv will indexed in Inspec, the…
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that over 30,000 pre-print articles available in online repository arXiv will indexed in Inspec, the…
IOP Publishing has launched Quantum Science and Technology, a journal designed to serve the full range of subject disciplines, extending across academia and industry,…
EBSCO Information Services has released Chinese Insight, a full-text database that provides coverage of a wide range of predominantly Chinese-language journals
IET Inspec - The Premiere Source for Engineering and Technology Patent Research
Elsevier has introduced Knovel Quick Search for Autodesk Revit. The Knovel application provides users of the Autodesk building information management system with seamless access…
Springer collaborates with Japanese societies on open-access earth-sciences journal
Knovel enables integration with Microsoft SharePoint
Springer partners with the Universita degli Studi di Palermo
Maney titles focus on materials science and engineering
World Scientific launches TECHNOLOGY
Knovel launches software engineering subject area
Materials at High Temperatures joins Maney Publishing