EBSCO Publishing


EBSCO adds occupational health content

EBSCOhost/ The Polymer Library

The Polymer Library is now available on the EBSCOhost platform thanks to a partnership between Smithers Rapra and EBSCO Publishing


CABI's Global Health Archive is now available from EBSCO Publishing

EBSCOhost 2.0

EBSCO Publishing has revamped its EBSCOhost user interface.


EBSCO Publishing has made available an enhanced search experience for DynaMed. The DynaMed resource is now said to be more efficient and easy-to-use.


Ebsco Publishing is making available the full-text versions of the CINAHL database (CINAHL with Full Text and CINAHL Plus with Full Text).


A number of features have been added to the EBSCOhost interface which should provide database users with a more efficient and enjoyable search experience.

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