Chinese Insight
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) has released Chinese Insight, a full-text database that provides coverage of a wide range of predominantly Chinese-language journals.
Chinese Insight, produced by Airiti Press. in Taiwan, will support information and research needs related to the dynamic Greater China region. Content is indexed in both Chinese and English.
The database includes more than 3,000 full-text academic journals, more than 2,000 ebooks, over 4,000 art images and nearly 50,000 Chinese-language dissertations from more than 50 universities dating back to 2010. The Taiwan Electronic Periodical Services, the largest and only collection of full-text Taiwanese periodicals in the world, is also included.
Worldwide academic institutions with Asian studies programs will benefit from indexing for both Chinese and English by author, source and subjects. Search limiters are also offered in both Chinese and English by author, publication and subjects. Additionally, SmartLinking is available to and from EBSCO’s standard set of full-text databases.