Quantum Science and Technology

IOP Publishing has launched Quantum Science and Technology, a journal designed to serve the full range of subject disciplines, extending across academia and industry, now engaged with advances in fundamental quantum information science and related quantum-enabled technologies.

The journal will be led by founding editor-in-chief Robert Thew who is group leader at the University of Geneva’s GAP Quantum Technologies department. Together with IOP Publishing’s journal management team, he is in the process of building an international network of board members, authors and reviewers. Masahide Sasaki, director of the Quantum ICT Laboratory at the Advanced ICT Research Institute, in Tokyo has already joined as regional editor for Asia.

Thew said: 'Quantum information is a rapidly expanding, fast-moving, and inherently multidisciplinary field that spans fundamental research to applied science. Quantum Science and Technology brings together the diverse subject communities that are now working on all aspects of quantum information science and quantum-enabled technologies.

'As editor-in-chief, I am very proud to be involved in launching this journal that will provide an exciting forum highlighting the emergence, progress and impact of a field that looks to define the 21st century.'

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