OpenGrey repository adds French theses

OpenGrey, the multidisciplinary repository for European grey literature, has now been enriched with nearly 200,000 French doctoral theses records. These records come from the French national theses bibliography and date back as far as the year 2000.

The move, which adds to the documents up to the year 2005 from the SIGLE database, is the result of a partnership between Abes and Inist-CNRS aimed at promoting data from the Sudoc collective catalogue.

Every reference provides a hyperlink to the corresponding Sudoc record, which shows location data for documents available through interlibrary loan. 12,000 records include links to the full-text versions of digital or digitised theses.

OpenGrey federates national initiatives and includes the major part of references from the former SIGLE database. It is described as a unique repository for bibliographic records of reports, theses and other documents that are difficult to locate and access. It currently provides open access to nearly 890,000 references from 1980 to today in all disciplines.

This new agreement which will run for an initial duration of three years and over 12,000 new theses records supplied by Abes are expected to be added to OpenGrey content each year.

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