February/March 2021
International standards for special collections
Two librarians from the National Library of Scotland share their experiences with Faye Holst
Covid-19 and the importance of digital preservation
A crisis requires rapid decision-making, and keeping record of these decisions becomes more important, says William Kilbride
Keeping up with digital preservation
Deciding to do nothing about preservation could be a disaster, says Paul Stokes
New dawn for Russia?
The Russian Federation has declared 2021 as a year of Science and Technology – which predicts an increase in the sphere of scientific publications,…
Open access needs to be equitable
There is no easy answer, but some routes through the maze are becoming visible, writes Tasha Mellins-Cohen
Virtual event delivers real-world interaction
More than 120 delegates from an array of institutions and countries around the world joined the organisers of CISPC for the first virtual version…