RightsLink In-App Licensing Toolkit

Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) has developed an in-app licensing toolkit for RightsLink Plus and Premium-enabled publishers to add licensing to their iPad or iPhone apps.

On the iPad or iPhone, as well as for traditional online environments, RightsLink allows a publication’s customers to conduct licensing transactions of all kinds without ever leaving the rightsholder’s website.

The first installation of the toolkit adds a “get permissions” option within the iPad/iPhone app for CHEST, the journal of the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). When a reader of an article on the iPad or iPhone version clicks on the share button at the bottom of the app, among the short list of usual options is one offering “Get Permissions.” Clicking that link opens a CCC-branded window tied to the RightsLink service, enabling a full range of options to secure additional rights that is synchronised with an individual’s account.

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