Two new members for OAPEN

OAPEN has announced that it has two new members: Leuven University Press and Peter Lang Publishing Group. 

Leuven University Press was established in 1971 under the auspices of KU Leuven. It is an ambitious academic press of international standing, publishing high-quality academic titles in a broad range of fields.

True to its commitment to disseminate scholarly knowledge and support academic research, Leuven University Press supports open access by allowing authors and editors to self-archive book chapters and articles on personal websites and in institutional repositories.

Leuven University Press supports authors who choose to publish, against a one-off charge, a monograph or edited volume immediately in open access and/or to comply with OA mandates of funding agencies and institutions to make the content freely available on the web.

The Peter Lang Publishing Group is based in Switzerland with publishing offices in Berne, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt, New York, Oxford, Vienna, and Warsaw. With more than 55,000 titles in stock, this internationally positioned publishing group offers a broad spectrum of academic research that covers the full range of the latest trends and debates in the humanities and social sciences.

It is the professed goal of Peter Lang Publishing Group to have scientific research made globally available and  there is not a more democratic way of having academic content made accessible than  through open access publishing. Thus, before the year is out, the Peter Lang Publishing Group will offer its first open access publications, having scientific content made available across the globe without any restraints.

The first OA monograph to be made available through the OAPEN Library will be The Governance of Educational Welfare Markets, A Comparative Analysis of the European Social Fund in Five Countries, edited by Daniel Pop and Cristina Stanu.

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