SHARE releases Notification System Project Plan
The SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE)—a joint initiative of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Association of American Universities (AAU), and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)—has released the SHARE Notification System Project Plan.
This plan details the first in a series of activities to be undertaken by SHARE to ensure that scholarly research outputs are discovered and built upon in a manner that facilitates and accelerates the research process. The SHARE Notification System is a higher education–based initiative to strengthen efforts to identify, discover, and track research outputs and is said to be consistent with higher education’s ongoing mission to encourage community-driven solutions that increase public access to research and maximise knowledge creation.
The SHARE Notification System Project Plan focuses on the process by which this system will be developed. This process will also make it possible for SHARE to develop the long-term vision of a robust repository ecosystem that includes not just the notification system, but also: a distributed registry layer that can accommodate not just publications but also research data; a discovery layer to help interested parties find research outputs across repositories; and a content aggregation layer that moves beyond curation and discovery to facilitate data and text mining of large corpora of content, as well as other community-driven value-added services.
The SHARE leadership anticipates that these three layers will be discussed, refined, and pursued in rough concert with the notification system planning. The precise timing and ordering of development will be determined through community dialogue with SHARE working groups and other key stakeholders.